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Preparing for Middle School

Starting middle school can be an exciting time for students transitioning from elementary school. By definition, transition means the change from one place, state of being, or condition to another place, state of being, or condition. This transition is often complex. 

As young adolescents are changing school buildings they are also changing hormonally, mentally, and physically. This transition affects young adolescents’ academic experiences, motivation, self-perception, and self-regulation. This process also affects parents and teachers.

Effective transition programs help students move to a new school and become a part of the new school. With the implementation of transition programs and the support of parents, teachers, administrators, and mental health professionals, this transition can positively impact students both socially and academically.

In fifth grade we begin the exciting task of preparing our students for middle school. Our dedicated team of fifth grade faculty teaches students about what to expect as they transition from elementary school to the middle school setting. Our students engage in regular lessons and activities that include:

  • Visiting neighboring middle schools
  • Panels of past Kyffin students discussing what middle school is like with each class
  • Practicing calculating grades
  • Viewing tutorials for understanding the ins and outs of Infinite Campus
  • Organization lessons to help students manage different classes with different teachers.
  • Visiting middle school counselors help students sign up for electives, get answers to questions 
  • Learning how to open a locker and practice with combination locks!!!
